"Corporate Reform for Business Success in Bridging Divides"



TAN SRI MUHAMMAD ALI BIN HASHIM, (age: 67), served as President and CEO of Johor Corporation for more than 28 years (from January 1, 1982 up to July 29, 2010). As CEO over such a long period, he was responsible for leading and growing Johor Corporation into one of Malaysia’s outstanding conglomerates with a formidable reputation for entrepreneurial achievements and outstanding business track record.

He was also appointed as President, Pasir Gudang Local Authority (a Mayorial position for one of Malaysia’s most successful industrial townships) for a period of 26 years (1982-2008).

As President and CEO of Johor Corporation (JCorp), Muhammad Ali had also served as Chairman of several of JCorp’s companies listed on Malaysia’s Bourse (PLCs), namely Kulim (Malaysia) Berhad, KPJ Healthcare Berhad, KFC Holdings (Malaysia) Berhad, QSR Brands Berhad, Sindora Berhad and Al Aqar KPJ REIT Bhd.

Johor Corporation is today a leading state-owned government-linked corporate entity in Malaysia with market leadership positions in several businesses. At the end of Tan Sri Muhammad Ali’s term as CEO, market capitalisation value of JCorp’s PLC shares stood at RM18.1 billion (Approximately US$6.0 billion), involving more than 280 companies employing more than 65,000 people throughout the group.

Among JCorp’s leading businesses (as at July 2010):-- Foods and Restaurants: Across the value chain from a downstream network of more than 900 restaurants (KFC – in Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia & Mumbai, India; PIZZA HUT – in Malaysia, Singapore dan Cambodia; and AYAMAS outlets and RASAMAS Restaurants in Malaysia) plus upstream chicken farming, feed production and foods processing;

-       Major Palm Oil player in Malaysia and Ultimate Holding Company for the largest palm oil plantations and downstream industries in Papua New Guinea (New Britain Palm Oils Ltd.) that is also listed on the London Stock Exchange;

-       Market leadership position in private sector Healthcare, with 22 Specialist Hospitals, more than 800 specialist consultants and doctors in Malaysia and Indonesia, a college trainging nurses and skilled healthcare providers, as well as a subsidiary company in Australia providing quality aged-care services.

Muhammad Ali is currently the President, Malaysian Islamic Chamber of Commerce (DPIM). DPIM’s principal agenda includes the promotion of “Business Jihad” ideology and public acceptance of “Corporate Waqaf” as the institutional driving force to transform the economies of Islamic nations. The goal is to fully meet with highest social responsibility as well as environmental sustainability standards, and at the same time fully integrate Islamic aspirations into business practice, aligning them with the objectives of the Maqasid Al Shari’ah.

Muhammad Ali graduated with a Bachelor of Economics (Honours) degreee from the University of Malaya (1969). He has also been awarded Honorary Doctorates by 8 universities in Malaysia, namely in Entrepreneurship and Islamic Business Management.

He has devoted his career to integrating Islamic values and percepts into business and corporate practice and redefining business and corporate pursuits in Islamic terms. He distinguished himself through introducing creative, innovative, highly effective and often unprecedented measures. Among the most outstanding concepts and institutions developed and practised at Johor Corporation include the “Business Jihad” idea, “Intrapreneurs” (or “Amanah Entrepreneurs” concept) and the “Corporate Waqf” institution.

Business Jihad has been the driving force central to JCorp’s past corporate successes, and the Corporate Waqf institutional concept was translated into reality by Muhammad Ali through the formation of Waqaf An Nur Corporation Bhd (WANCorp) established by JCorp. WANCorp’s value of waqf assets at end of 2012 stood at RM575.9 million (in terms of market capitalisation), compared with RM250 million at date of waqf of the assets that took place between 2006 and 2007. JCorp is also a highly successful corporate organisation built around teams of more than 200 “intrapreneurs”.

Waqf An Nur Corporation Bhd spearheads JCorp’s comprehensive Corporate Social Responsibility programs serving as a business-driven social safety net provider. These CSR programs are focused on creating business and entrepreneurial opportunities for the otherwise marginalised segment of society that do not have access to capital and are normally excluded from access to established business networks.

For his outstanding contributions Muhammad Ali was awarded Malaysia’s Ma’al Hijrah Appreciation Award in 2007.

Muhammad Ali has also written three books (in the Malays language):
1. “Khalifah   Ganti   Superman”   (2011)   –   (Khalifah   To   Replace   Superman). (Received the Malaysian “National Book Award, 2012 from the Malaysian Book Foundation).
2. “Bisnes Satu Cabang Jihad” (2003) – (Business as a Form of Jihad).
“Membujur Lalu... Satu pengalaman Melayu dalam pengurusan” (1995)


Bu içerik 31.03.2014 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 2254 kez okundu.