Conference Theme

Sustainable Business Practices: Ethics, Environment, Social and Governance (EESG)

Integrated Reporting: Legislation, Application, Problems and Solutions (IRLAPS)

Additionally, conference scientific committee will accept presentations on following issues:

"Corporate Governance in Developing Countries”

"Fraud Risk in Small and Medium Enterprises"

" Corporate Social Responsibility and Small and Medium Entreprises"

"Business Risks and Sustainability"

"Auditingof Irresponsible CSR Project"

"Boards and Corporate Sustainability"

"Environmental Crises: Financial Management"

"Carbon Issues in Business"

and recommended titles…


* corporate governance reporting
* corporate in banking sector
* corporate governance regulation
* accountants' and auditors' responbilities on corporate governance
* corporate governance regulation differences between countries
* codes of "best practice" and norms of behaviour
* changing role of management and corporate governance
* internal controls and accountability
* risk management
* financial market supervision and control
* governance and financial market economics
* corporate governance and governmental institutions
* boards and corporate governance


* Fraud in sectors (health, tourism, education.....)
* Fraud prevention, detection, arrogation, reporting
* Fraud in governmental institutions, non-governmental organisations, private companies
* Occupational matters for Certified Fraud Examiners
* Fraud and auditors' responsibility
* Fraud related higher education
* National and international legislation on fraud
* International institutions & applications on fraud
* Fraud in banking sector
* Fraud in Social Responsibility Projects
* Organisational Fraud


* Ethics in accounting and auditing occupation
* Occupational ethics codes
* Ethical matters in taxation
* Ethics education in accounting, finance and fiscal studies
* Case studies in ethical matters
* Ethical problems in financial markets


* determining csr strategy and role of accountants
* Risk management and CSR
* CSR reporting and related costs
* auditors' social responsibility
* international auditing standards and CSR
* social entrepreneurship
* investors' and shareholders' social responsibility
* green / social responsible investment
* protection of minority interest
* banks' social responsibility
* management responsibility
* social responsibility of accountants
* CSR education for accounting students
* responsible investing
* environmental and social accounting & audit
* environmental & social reporting
* responsible marketing & costing & reporting
* taxation policy and problems on CSR
* CSR matters & CSR legislations & CSR reporting differences for publicly held companies,
* non-governmantal organisations and small/medium enterprises roles on CSR
* economic crises and CSR
* CSR issues in risk assessment
* CSR and women in business world
* Auditing of irresponsible projects


* Accounting for Sustainable Development Performance
* Sustainability Assesment Models
* Sustainability in banking sector
* Sustainable Development in Crises
* Sustainable Development in Small and Medium Enterprises
* Reporting Sustainable Development
* Determining Company's Sustainable Development Strategy
* Accountants and Auditors Responsibility in Sustainable Development
* Sustainable Development in NGOs
* The importance of women in sustainability


* Organisational accountability
* Competitiveness
* Collaborative governance
* Citizen participation
* Accountability in banking sector
* NGOs Accountability
* Accountability in Small and Medium Enterprises
* The role of accountants and auditors about the accountability &
* Educational Issues On Governance Fraud Ethics & Social Responsibility


* Assessment of Corporate Sustainability
* Corporations of Departments in Corporate Sustainability
* International Regulation on Corporate Sustainability


* Risk in Reputation Management Management and Its Auditing
* Auditors Responsibility
* Auditors' Role in Sustainable Development
* Auditing of Organizational Governance

And other issues on conference titles….

Bu içerik 28.02.2014 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 2554 kez okundu.