Chizu Nakajima


Professor Chizu Nakajima 


Professor of Corporate Law and Governance

The Faculty of Business and Law

Senior Associate Research Fellow, Institute of Advanced Legal Studies, University of LondonLondon Metropolitan University

Chair, British Japanese Law Association

LL.B. (Keio), M.A. (Keio), Ph.D. (London), FSALS

Dr Nakajima is based at the CASS Business School and is therefore unable to supervise PhD students in the Centre of Development Studies. 

Research interests

Chizu’s main areas of research include corporate law and governance, corporate social responsibility, business ethics, financial services regulation, international law, and comparative law. She has published widely in these areas and has lead many international research projects, funded by various inter-governmental bodies and governmental agencies. She sits on the editorial of board of leading academic journals in law and management and serves as reviewer for journals, including theBritish Journal of Management and Long Range Planning. Chizu is a regular speaker at conferences held by inter-governmental bodies, such as the United Nations, World Bank and European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, governmental agencies and academies, including the Academy of Management and Academy of Legal Studies in Business.


Chizu leads courses, at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels, in corporate law and governance, corporate social responsibility, financial services regulation and comparative law, and supervises Ph.D. and Masters students. She regularly examines Ph.D. theses for universities in the UK and abroad.

Professional experience

Chizu has worked for a number of firms in the City of London and chairs the British Japanese Law Association. She has served as consultant to inter-governmental organisations, including the United Nations, World Bank and European Commission, and advises, on a regular basis, various regulatory and professional bodies in the UK and elsewhere.

Selected publications

Corporate Governance and National Institution: A Review and Emerging Agenda’ (with Filatotchev, I. and Jackson, G.) (2012) Asia Pacific Journal of Management (DOI 10.1007/s10490-012-9293-9).

‘Corporate Governance and Globalization: Is the Desire to Embed Corporate Social Responsibility within Organizations at a Crossroads?’ (with Harry, W.) (2012)International Studies in Management & Organization 42(3).

Institutions and Institutional Maintenance: Implications for Understanding and Theorizing Corporate Governance in Developing Economies’ (with Adegbite, E.) (2012) International Studies in Management & Organization 42(3).

‘The Importance of Legally Embedding CSR’ (2011) The Company Lawyer 32 (9).

‘Corporate Governance and Responsibility in Nigeria’ (with Adegbite, E.) (2011)International Journal of Disclosure and Governance.

‘Institutional Determinants of Good Corporate Governance: The Case of Nigeria’ (with Adegbite, E.) (2011) in Berrill, J., Hutson, E. & Sinkovics, R. (Eds), Firm-Level Internationalisation, Regionalism and Globalisation, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

‘Internal and External Corporate Governance: An Interface between an Organization and its Environment’ (with Filatotchev, I.) (2010) British Journal of Management, 21(3).

‘Anti-Corruption: Law and Practice’ (with Palmer, P.) in Stachowicz-Stanusch, A. (ed.),Organizational Immunity to Corruption: Building Theoretical and Research Foundations (2010) Polish Academy of Science Commission.

‘Conflicts of Interest in Financial Services Firms: Judicial Development and Regulatory Rules’ in S. Ali (ed.) Corporate Misconduct (2010), Ian Randle Publishers, Kingston, Jamaica.

Insider Fraud in the Retail Banking Sector (with Rutledge, P. & Leong, A.) (2009) European Commission.

‘Human Rights in the 21st Century: Some views in Asia’ (with Harry, W.) (2008) in Becker, M.S. and Schneider, J.N. (Eds.), Human Rights in 21st Century, Hauppauge NY: Nova Science Publishing.

‘Ethnocentric HRM policies in the Asia Pacific Region: An Explanation of Host Country Resistance’ (with Harry, W.) (2007) Management Revue, Vol 18, No 4.

‘Issues in Fighting Financial Crime’ (2007) Institute of Economic Affairs Journal, Vol 27: 1.

Politics: Offshore Centres, Transparency and Integrity. The Case of the UK Territories’ in D. Masciandaro (ed.), Global Financial Crime (2004) Ashgate Publications, London and Burlington, US (ISBN 0 7546 3707 7).

‘Competition and Integration among Stock Exchanges: The Dilemma of Conflicting Regulatory Objectives and Strategies’ (with Bagheri, M.) (2004) Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 24(1).

‘Chapter 21, Japan’ in Butterworths International Guide to Money Laundering Law and Practice (2nd Edition, 2003) Butterworths, London (ISBN 0-406-93248-4).

‘Ex Ante and Ex Post Allocation of Risk of Illegality: Regulatory Sources of Contractual Failure and Issues of Corrective and Distributive Justice’ (with Bagheri, M.) (2002) 13European Journal of Law and Economics.

Impact of Moves to Date to Complete the Single European Financial Market (2002) commissioned by and submitted to HM Treasury.

‘Optimal Level of Financial Regulation under the GATS: A Regulatory Competition and Co-operation Framework for Capital Adequacy and Disclosure of Information’ (with Bagheri, M ) (2002) Journal of International Economic Law 5 (2).

Conflicts of Interest and Chinese Walls (with Sheffield, E.) (2001) Butterworths, London (ISBN 0-406-93751-6).

‘International Securities Markets, Diversity of National Regulations and the Relevance of the Public/Private Law Dichotomy’ (with Bagheri, M.) (2001) International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 3 (1).

Conflicts of Interest and Duty - A Comparative Analysis in Anglo-Japanese Law (1999) Kluwer Law International, London and The Hague (ISBN 90-411-9698-6).

‘Anti-Money Laundering Legislation and its Implications for Japanese Financial Institutions’ (1998) in Y. Tajima & F. Macmillan (eds.) Commercial Law in a Global Context, Kluwer Law International, London and The Hague (ISBN 90-411-0709-6).

‘The Experience of Japan in Adoption and Adaption’ (1996) in J. J. Norton & M. Andenas (eds.) Emerging Financial Markets and the Role of International Financial Organization, Kluwer Law International, London and The Hague (ISBN 90-411-0909-9).

Bu içerik 05.06.2014 tarihinde yayınlandı ve toplam 759 kez okundu.